5 reasons every nursery needs a buggy shelter

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A pram or buggy shelter can be a welcome addition to all nurseries. They are the perfect storage place for mums and dads to use every time they visit the nursery with their children.

Buggies seem to be getting bigger and bigger these days, and we all know about the problems of the infamous pram and buggy traffic jams at the opening and closing time of nurseries. The shelters are a great way to keep prams and buggies safe and dry, which means everyone can concentrate on having fun and learning without worry. Shelters also come in a variety of styles and colours to suit every property. Here are 5 reasons why every nursery needs a buggy shelter.

1. Keeps the entrance clear

Without a dedicated space to park their buggy, it’s only natural that mums and dads gravitate to the front of the building, as they all try to get as close as possible to the entrance. Prams and buggies block up the doorway, making it hard for anyone to get in and out, causing a potential fire hazard and a danger to children running outside. Mums and dads whose buggies are parked nearest the door also find themselves trapped in when it comes to home time. A buggy shelter ensures the entrance to the doorway stays clear at all times.

2. Keeps prams and buggies outside

Parents often bring their prams or buggies inside the building, especially if they feel the need to keep them safe and out of sight. This can clutter up the hallways, causing similar traffic problems to when they are backed up outside the entrance. A buggy shelter can safely store prams and buggies outside and out of the way.

3. Keeps prams and buggies safe

Today’s prams and buggies can be expensive, and it’s no wonder mums and dads are worried about them being stolen or damaged. Keeping the buggies together means it is easy for someone to keep an eye on them. Shelters also have security features. Open-fronted shelters have a rail running from front to back, so a simple lock can secure the buggies in place. There are also options for shelters with doors, as well as enclosed, lockable shelters.

4. Children love them

Buggy shelters can be painted in bright, funky colours to match the aesthetic of your nursery and to make the children feel right at home. The youngsters may even see them as their own, special parking space for their ride, just like mum and dad have at home!

5. A place to chat

Before long, the shelter will become like the office water cooler; the hub where mums and dads can catch up and swap stories about their little ones. After a hectic time in the nursery, it will soon become the place where everyone takes a breath before heading off for the rest of their day.

Call us now for a quote and advice on which pram and buggy shelter best suits the needs of your nursery.